
Mental Health and Cultural Adaptation of International Students from “One Belt and One Road”: A Study

1 Hangzhou Normal University, 311121, China
2 Northwest Normal University, 730000, China
3 Hangzhou Wickham International School, 310056, China
4 Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, 310024, China
5 IBMC of Chinese Academy of Science, 310005, China
6 Amity Global Institute, 238853, Singapore
7 Hangzhou Linping Fifth People’s Hospital, 310005, China
8 Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, 200125, China

Received: 1 August 2024 / Accepted: 1 September 2024 / Published: 3 September 2024

With the promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative, China has become one of the world's major study abroad destinations, attracting a large number of international students from different countries. The present study aimed to explore the relationship between cultural adaptation and mental health of international students in China, especially for the current situation of international students from the “Belt and Road” countries. By revising the SCL-90 Symptom Self-Rating Scale and the Cultural Distance Questionnaire, the study will analyze the effects of acculturation strategies, cultural distance, and the level of acculturation on the state of mental health. Meanwhile, this study also plans to construct a mental health education service system for international students coming to China in order to improve their cultural adaptation ability and mental health.

Belt and Road; international Students; cultural adaptation; mental health

Yang Z, G Lo N, Tian Y, Tian J, Chen L, Liu X, Liang G, Yang Y, Mao W, Hu L, Xie L, Tong T, Wang Y, Ma S, Tang S. Title Research on Mental Health and Cultural Adaptation of International Students from “One Belt and One Road” A Survey. Int. J. Soc. Sci. Res., year, volume (issue), doi: 10.58531/ijssr/2/3/2

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