For Editors

Universal Publishing is a fully open access peer-reviewed publishing house. The current positions and responsibilities of our editors are as follows:

Editor-in-Chief and Responsibilities

One journal generally has one editor-in-chief. The editor-in-chief is an outstanding researcher in the field of the journal and needs to actively participate in the management of the journal, develop the journal together with the editorial department, and ensure the success of the journal in the field. In order to maintain the continuity of journal development, the term of office of the editor-in-chief is generally 4 years.

The responsibilities of the EiC include, but are not limited to, the following:

·       Define the scope of the journal's call for papers.

·       Build an excellent editorial board team together with the editorial department.

·       Recommend hot research topics and scholars to establish special issues.

·       Supervise the approval and review process of each article, and give advice on handling issues.

Editorial Board Members and Responsibilities

In order to reduce the workload of the members of the editorial board, Universal Publishing Association has established a strong editorial board team, and each editorial board member is a huge asset to Universal Publishing. The term of office of the members of the editorial board is generally 4 years, and the main responsibilities are as follows:

·       Make informative decisions on articles that match your research interests.

·       Provide advice on the development of the journal.

·       Help promote journals and excellent articles.

·       Publish at least one article in a journal during the tenure.

Guest Editors and Responsibility

Special Issues focus on specific areas of research that have broad appeal and that fall within the aims and scope of the journal. Universal Publishing is willing to establish a special issue on a certain topic with scholars and researchers from all over the world.

The responsibilities of Guest Editors include:

·       Define the title of the special issue and the scope of the call for papers.

·       Promote special issues and invite high-quality manuscripts.

·       Make decisions about submissions to special issues.

·       Write editorials for eligible special issues.

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